Take half a can of condensed milk, add to that 500mls double cream, and vanilla extract to taste. Whisk together until the consistency of lightly whipped cream, pour half into a container and freeze, I flavoured the other half of the mix with melted chocolate or use your imagination for other flavours, pour into another container and freeze. Remove from the freezer to the fridge about 10 mins before sserving - no need for ice cream maker, or whisking whilst frozen. Now this is the bonus, to use the the other half of the condensed milk:- In a half litre jug, dissolve a heaped dessertspoon instant coffee in boiling water, the add the rest of the condensed milk, mixing well, top up to approx 400 mls with cold water then add Brandy or Whisky to the 500 mls mark, at this stage it is critical to taste, and carry on tasting, until the alcohol level is just right. This is "Baileys" Paphos style, store in the fridge (if there is any left) - enjoy