A few lads from the Paphos People weekly 5-a-side squad played a challenge game tonight against a select 5 representing Ayioli Tavern, reigning champions for two years in a Paphos region challenge tournament. It could be said the 16-8 scoreline flattered the Cypriots, whose fitness in the last quarter of the game allowed them to slice through us a few too many times.
Anyone, point is we are open to a challenge from other local sides who fancy a one off game against a different squad every now again. So if you are reading, play in a team of any sort and fancy a game, email us via
football@paphospeople.com or if you are a member on the site PM me or reply here or in the Sports Bar.
Of course if you don't have a team but fancy a regular kick about then we are always looking for new players to join us - check out the new page :