Neil is due the credit for pulling most of the content together,
Not 100% right , but I will take the credit anyway
Thanks has to go to all who contributed
KG paphos seafront report
BD taverna review
John Houston medical for article
Jackie two sox for articles
verity for taverna work
Martin for (tech) putting it together..
It takes more than a captain to sail a ship
Please remember , if you would like to contribute to the monthly newsletter
i.e write a paphos or Cyprus related article that you think people would like to read.
It can be anything from gardening to fishing , village life , anything ...
please contact me with your suggestions..
Also there is an opportunity for anyone looking to advertise , if you want to be our
featured business of the month or have a banner at the top of the newsletter page,
please contact me for prices...
please remember that the newsletter goes out to hundreds of people and is viewed
by thousands every month .
REACH 1000`s of PAPHOS CUSTOMERS EVERY DAY FOR A FRACTION OF WHAT THE OTHERS CHARGE----------------------------------------------------------------
Whilst the optimist and the pessimist argued that the whisky glass was either half full
or half empty ? .
I drank it .....
The opportunist..