If you have your name down for the Taverna night on 28th March and have not yet paid can you please do so by Saturday. If you are unable to pay because you are in the UK please can you send me a pm to let me know - I obviously don't expect you to pay if you are not here.
If you have not paid and are having difficulty getting the money to me, but definitely want to attend the Taverna next week, please pm me.
If I don't hear from people who have not paid by Monday morning I will not be able to reserve a place at the Taverna. I have to pay the money in on Monday afternoon.I would appreciate your co-operation with this as I don't want to have to think about sorting out money after Monday as I have to go into hospital on Thursday and there is a chance I may not be allowed home.
Thank you to those who have paid so far. And thank you for having the correct money - it has been a great help.
Be who you are, and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.