Quite right Clive.
Why is the Eu different to anywhere else in the world.
I have hired cars in many non-Eu countries, including the USA where you would expect them to be strict about these things, given how many hoops you have to jump through to get into the country.
The inevitable conclusion is either;-
Number 1: These claims are indeed scaremongering put out by a section of the Government paying lip service only to Brexit whilst attempting to frighten the general public into thinking the whole thing will bring total chaos to the UK. Clearly the government remainers hope to create a sel-fulfilling phrophecy and must have a vested interest in doing so.
Number 2: The EU will impose such conditions in an attempt to "punish" the Uk for leaving the union. If this is the case it begs the question as to how secure we could ever be in an organisation so ready to treat former allies and member states so despicably.
Interestingly the following link leads to an article about driving in Spain - a country specifically mentioned in the scaremongering as not allowing UK drivers in with UK licences.
You will see that this quite clearly states non-EU drivers can drive on their own country's licence. Why then will the Uk be any different to the rest of the world?
Please also note that the article was only updated on the
18th August 2018. I have no reason to believe that other EU countries operate differently.
https://www.expatica.com/new/es/living/ ... se-107661/In my opinion the quicker we leave the EU and cease to be under the control of others who do not have our best interests at heart the better.