PW in Polemi wrote:
Morning Denise
We have gas underfloor heating - and I love not having frozen feet at this time of year!
Just remember, it's not worth trying to heat your water in the winter with the central heating if it's underfloor - there is a maximum temperature at which u/f c/h runs, and it's not hot enough for a shower
Also, if you are having a bath fitted in your bathroom/s, the plumber will probably not run the u/f c/h pipes under it/them, thus reducing the amount of warmth available to heat that room.
I'd recommend you fit a Horstmann E15 timer to your hot water immersion heater - that way, you can switch the immersion on if there's been insufficient sunshine to provide hot water, without worrying that you'll forget to turn the lekky off.
Have your hot water tank & panels as close to bathrooms as possible, and lag the pipes and also the entry/exit joints on the well-insulated tank. Fit pipe insulation over the pipes and then cover with special black tape to hold it in place and reduce sun degradation.
Also you
can install your boiler inside (Cypriots LOVE putting the c/h boiler in a building separate from the house, thus heating the garden with the pipe run) - ours is a Baxi boiler and designed to fit in a kitchen, we've got it in the integral garage.
When your electrician is wiring your place, see if he will fit an isolator switch for your washing machine/dishwasher/whatever where you can get to it WITHOUT having to pull the machine away from the wall
Hopefully, your floor area is sufficient (and I don't know the criteria) for your lekky to be 3 phase because if you are connected on only a single phase, it rather restricts what electrical items you can run simultaneously.
Is your access road a public road and therefore maintained by the village and/or District Office? If not, you might need to consider buying a 4x4! Our shortest route to the main road is still not public (although our developer led us to believe he had it in hand for the District Office to take it over). For his ease of access while building, our developer laid a thin skim of tarmac, no rebar and no concrete. Well, after several wet winters and many HGVs plus all the normal vehicular traffic of Cypriots tending their fields and householders toing and froing, that tarmac is disintegrating and some of the lower-slung cars actually scrape their undercarriages due to the depth of the ruts in the road.
You say you've bought the plot - have you actually got your mitts on that creamy yellow piece of paper issued by the Land Registry? If you have, well done. If not, proceed with extreme caution.
Anything else I can think of, I'll let you know as and when.
Thank you for all this, were you a plumber in a previous life? Whar kind of boiler do you have, is it a condenser type? We hope to get one to run the underfloor, and were wondering if we could have two large gas bottles, in the basement area under the house, and run both the heating and the gas cooker off, but we don't even know if that is possible.
We were extremely fortunate when we bought, the vendor had sorted out all access issues with the neighbours, and got everything in writing. We paid for the land and all documentation was done in about 6 weeks I think. When I read of the difficulties some people are experiencing, you can't imagine the worry they are going through.
If we were in the UK it would be second nature to lag pipes, but we hadn't even considered that, I expect we will have to do everything as per the UK for pipework. I believe our water tank is closer to the kitchen rather than the bathrooms, but not sure if we can do anything about that now, because we have a cathedral ceiling our options are limited.
We are not having a bath installed, we both prefer showers, and as we get older getting and out of a bath can be a challenge, however, we have made the bathrooms large enough to put a bath in.
Did you import any of your fixtures and fittings from the UK (or anywhere else). On our trip to Dragonmart we found some lovely tiles, sanitary ware, taps etc. and we are currently considering if it is worth a half container load, but are unsure how it works at the Cypriot end e.g. if one of us would have to be there to sign for it, or if it can be addressed to the builder - plenty of time for that though.
Last time we were in Cyprus we stayed in a friends house, and somehow, managed to break two toilet seats! So off we set for Paphos to buy replacements - I was absolutely stunned at the price, we trawled up and down the road into Paphos from Strumbi, and all the builders merchants were the same roughly, and we ended up paying 35 euro for a really cheap looking toilet seat. Now, that was pre the opening of Leroy Merlin, and my question is, has the arrival of Leroy Merlin changed things, do they have a good selection reasonable quality items?
Thank you so much for the link to to the photo album, really interesting, and for all the information you have provided so far, it does make such a difference to hear the opinions and advice of people who have already been down the same route. We have been out of the UK for 8 years (apart from short visits), and have grown accustomed to how things are here, and we are trying to remain aware that we may make assumptions that might not be correct for how things are in Cyprus.
We both appreciate all the time and advice everyone is giving us.