Now there's a challenge. DON'T READ.
Well, the gloves are off then. Here is my take on it.
I received a card from my brother wishing me a peaceful winter solstace! What is wrong with wishing me a Merry Christmas?
I think people are afraid of the word Christ. Well, as Christmas is all about (alledgedly) celebrating His birth, and what He stands for, what is so wrong with proclaiming what we are celebrating?
My pet hate is the abrieviation Xmas. What does that mean? X marks the spot? X = wrong? X means cross out the Christ?
If people feel that uncomfortable about the word Christmas maybe they shouldn't be such hypocrits. Most are happy enough to jump on the holiday bandwagon and take the days paid annual leave.
Merry CHRISTmas to all. May the reason for the season swell your hearts and minds and bring you joy and peace.