The Cyprus government has prepared a large covid ward for those tourists who may fall sick with covid during their stay here....and has said that they can have free covid health care! closed this island on 14 cases
With track and trace from day one we still reached over 900 cases
And we are looking to bring the virus back in from next week?
I understand that the economy is suffering ...people here are going without food and money hardly any have received any money promised at all ...some families have had their electricity cut off, some thrown out of their apartments ....things for a lot of people are very grim
But if the virus comes in and really takes hold next time
What on earth will happen to these poor people then?
Chalkies in Coral Bay ...have made over 10,000 meals to give to people with no money for food , they have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic to feed the desperately poor
We are worried about what is going to happen in the coming weeks
Yes the world has to get the economies up and running again
But at what price?
Because we have been in strict lockdown ...we in Cyprus have very little immunity built up in the community
Worrying times